This Could Be You! Check Out This Patient’s Success Story
Did you know that we help patients who suffer from sleep apnea? Millions of people suffer from this common condition and often do not receive the help they need because they aren’t sure who to turn to. Sleep is an important part of your day, and we want to ensure our patients are getting the quality sleep they need and deserve. One of our patients who suffers from sleep apnea recently shared his experience with his treatment and some thoughts about our practice. Click above to watch the short video and learn more about sleep apnea.
What is Sleep Apnea?
Do you often feel exhausted during the day, even if you feel like you slept the entire night? Or have family members told you that you snore loudly each time you sleep? These are both signs that you may have a common condition known as sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes numerous interruptions in breathing during sleep. This occurs due to a relaxation of the muscles in the back of the throat. As a reaction to the interruption in breathing, the body naturally wakes itself up for a moment. The majority of people with sleep apnea have no recollection of waking up because it happens for such a short time. Unfortunately, this pattern doesn’t allow you to reach the deep levels of sleep needed to restore your mind and body.
Oral Appliances
As you heard our patient mention in the video, he was not interested in using a CPAP machine. CPAP is a common treatment recommended by many practices that requires patients to wear a machine that fits over the nose while sleeping. While this treatment option may be great for some, it is not ideal for everyone. We are happy to offer our sleep apnea patients a customized oral appliance that is designed to position the jaw in a more forward position, allowing the airway to stay consistently open and preventing pauses in breathing.
If you or a loved one is suffering from sleep apnea, we would love to help. Be sure to contact our office, which is located in Meridian, ID, to schedule an appointment. We want to help you get your sleep back on track!