Does Bleeding Gums Indicate A Problem With Your Oral Health?

Do you notice signs of blood after you brush or floss your teeth? If so, you are experiencing bleeding gums. This can occur from something as simple as food trapped between the teeth and irritating your gums. The problem arises when bleeding gums happens frequently, because it is a warning sign that you may have a problem with your oral health. Some causes of bleeding gums include:

Summer Dental Care Tips

We don’t know about you, but we are loving the summer weather and long days! As fun as summer may be, it is still important that you continue to care for your oral health. You might be surprised at how quickly problems can creep up and lead to oral health complications. We would hate for you to experience any problems during the summer. Read on to learn more about the importance of caring for your teeth this summer.

Get The Dental Care You Need Without Delay

Did we recommend a dental treatment for you or a loved one during your last visit, but you have yet to schedule your appointment? Now that the holiday season is behind us and we are officially into the second month of the new year, now is the perfect time. We know that many of you have busy schedules. However, it is important to make your oral health a priority. Even if you aren’t in need of treatment at this time, it is important to know that delaying a necessary treatment can seriously impact the state of your oral health. Read on to learn more about the negative impact delaying treatment can have on your oral health.